Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall;, but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.
Isaiah 40:30,31



Ask the PastorQuestions and Answers 

Some questions and answers:  
1. What is the difference between doing good and spontaneously do good?   
2. Do I need to be baptized in water again?
3. It is so difficult to understand the Bible. Why is it so?
4. What remains important about Moses doings?
5. Why is society so tough and harsh?
6. Is Antichrist a person or a system?
7. I'm a bit unsure if I have received Jesus and wonder what "love not the world" means?
8. How do I get rid of bitterness and fear of being hurt?
9. Why did Jesus  wait three days to resurrect?
10. What happens if you have broken a promise to God?
11. What does it mean that you should use the world as not using it?
12. Did God touch me?
13. How do Christians look at nature?
14. Must you have experienced an unbelievable warmth and happiness to be saved? Am I saved?
15. Explain "for before the law was given, sin was in the world. But sin is not taken into account when there is no law".
16. Biblical prayer and fasting. When and how do you fast? Tips about fasting
17. What is the meaning of Jesus' parable about the talents?
18. Did the patriarchs live like strangers in different countries?

Jesus said: I am the way and the truth and the life. 
No one comes to the Father except through me. John 14:6

A selection of topics covered in Ask the Pastor:

How do I approach God? About salvation, forgiveness, baptism in the holy Spirit, baptism, healing, private questions, Christian living 
· Who is God? Who is Jesus and what is He like?
· The Assembly, different communities and religions, revival, traditions, the role of the Bible
· View of man in the Bible, female priests,the leadership of Jesus, Christian ethics, justification by faith
· Miracles, healing, prayer, fasting, speaking in tongues 
· What is fundamentalism? What is a cult?
· Relationships, love, sexuality, child rearing, food, clothing. What is holiness, what is sin? 
· How do I know if I am a Christian? Does God forgive all sins? How do I get knowledge about God? 
· How do I get greater faith? How can I experience renewal in the Holy Spirit? ? How do the spiritual gifts work? 
· Near-death experiences, life after death 
· Euthanasia, death penalty, suicide, honor killing 
· Destiny, Antichrist, prophecies, angels, heaven, 
· Trinity, Kingdom of God, purpose of life 
· Christianity, how it started, history of the Church
· What will the future be like? Judgement Day, the return of Jesus


nd the disciples were filled with joy and with the Holy Spirit. Acts 13:52

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